James Perkins
James brings his familiarity with
science, engineering, language, and
artistry to the creation of this website.
Rather than answering individual emails
about feline asthma, he saw the possibility
of sharing what he and Kathryn had learned
more widely via a website.
The first version of this site was a single
web page with a few images. This grew to over a dozen
pages with the help of Web Editor software. In this third
version, it has blossomed to twice that size using the details
listed below.
Weekdays, James is a member of the technical staff of
Wind River,
he loves his work and has recently helped develop the operating system used by the
Mars Rovers
and is now working on
Linux for embedded computer
On weekends, he's an avid hiker and amateur
geologist with a special interest
in volcanology.
He sets his sights on exploring the many
fascinating places of natural beauty the world has to offer.
The picture above is just below
the crater of
Mount St. Helens,
Washington, USA. Since 2006 James has extended this interest
into backcountry amateur radio,
trail maintenance, and the SOLV
rivers cleanup.
Other projects he's been
involved with on a volunteer
basis is with the Portland State
University Aerospace Society
rocketry and coaching others on
keeping Linux servers running around the Internet.
In 2003 his paper,
Linux and High Power Rocketry,
was presented at
James never anticipated that
partnership with Kathryn also meant
sharing the bed with four(!) cats.